
Mind Dé Gap™

Drizzles of Wisdom from the Pen of Grace and Unconditional Love. The Musings of Michael Ojuola



The Soul’s Choice of Its Way


To every man there openeth

A Way, and ways, and a way.

And the high soul climbs the high way,

And the low soul gropes the low:

And in between, on the misty flats,

The rest drift to and fro.

But to every man there openeth

A high way and a low,

And every man decideth

The way his soul shall go.

– John Oxenham

Soul Makeover


Much of the time we live trapped inside a hectic mechanical lifestyle, getting up to the sound of an alarm clock, battered by news from radio, tested by traffic, forced to calculate time and distance to the minute, going through the day using phones and lifts and gadgets, the going home again at the end of the day, through more traffic, with more news being shouted at us.

It is only when we make time for silence and for prayer that we give ourselves a chance to remember who we really are and what life is really about.

The well of Providence is deep. It’s the buckets we bring to it that are small. – Mary Webb

We must understand that real intimacy leads into unknown territory, and we find our way only through trial and error. As we leave behind old, familiar ways of being, we move towards new states of balance. Falling into one extreme or another is unavoidable along the way. We must give ourselves permission to go overboard sometimes. If we attack ourselves for going off course, we cannot learn from our mistakes.

The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in the world. – Lao Tzu

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